Title Page
Doctrines of devils are actively being proclaimed within our modern day culture. They are designed to fool the unsuspecting, however, there is no reason why Christian believers should be fooled and taken in by these false, devilish, doctrines – unbelievers often are.
This author’s book explains, in clear concise detail, the nine spiritual powers God has provided for the Christian to operate. These abilities arm believers with the power to recognize and avoid being fooled and falling prey to such devilish deception.
Five of these evil doctrines are individually exposed. They are shown to be deceiving falsehoods that must be denounced by the believer and unbeliever alike.
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This book is a reminder that Christians are in a spiritual battle of truth verses lies. It speaks to the heart of those who believe that God’s Word is the only reliable source of truth. It is filled with vital information for those seeking to develop spiritual perception and who want to be able to discern the times we live in.

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The plan and purpose of this book is to direct individuals to the best and most reliable sourcebook on marriage, the Bible. This work is offered with the conviction that the Word of God contains every pertinent principle that a husband and wife will need in order to make their marriage beautiful, exciting, and successful. It is here, in the pages of the Bible, that they can find the understanding and enlightenment they need to build an enduring, gratifying, marriage union. The format of this book is to search out each and every scripture that pertains to husbands and wives and the roles they must embrace.

About the Book
This author traces the fascinating history of luck’s origin. Convincingly, and with passion, Mr. Johnston examines what he coins “luck theologies,” exposing them for the erroneous concepts they are. This sound-thinking author has worked his subject, and offers meaningful answers that will lift the reader up and beyond the traditional doubtful explanations about fate or destiny.
Combining both biblical and historical records, Mr. Johnston systematically dismantles the foundation upon which luck has rested. The imagery of fate, destiny, lot, fortune and chance are all openly exposed for the harmful errors they cast upon individuals.
A “must read” for the Christian believer who realizes that someday we all will give an account for every idle word. You will see how the devil has hid behind bad luck and God has been robbed of His praise by talk of good luck.

- Alerts people to luck’s idolatrous nature.
- Proves that luck is not a source of prosperity.
- Takes the romance out of destiny’s meaning.
- Eradicates beliefs about luck, chance, fate and fortune.
- Teaches the tremendous value of separating truth from error and how to do it.
- Explains in vivid detail the origin and development of luck’s meaning, pinpointing its beginning.
- Shows how a Roman goddess named Fortuna establish the modern meaning of fortune and how luck became a lady.
|Spiritual understanding|God’s spirit|Body, soul and spirit|climate change hoax|The dead alive now|Devil possession|
|Doomsday Prophets|The Devil’s work|Destiny|Spiritual enlightenment|Gifts of Healing|Miracles|Transgender|Luck|Fate|