God is a Spirit

God has defined Himself! He has defined Himself to be an Eternal Spirit. The Lord Jesus Christ said of God, (John 4:24) “God is a Spirit: and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth.” Spirit life exists beyond the dimension of our five senses’ perception; consequently, we can only know
Spirit Life by what God has revealed to us about Himself. Even though God is spirit He has defined Himself to have the characteristics of a father. This is why God can rightfully be referred to as a He. His behavior toward us is like that of a good human father who nurtures and provides for his children. When Jesus taught his disciples how to pray, he referred to God as “our Father” in heaven. So then, the pronoun “He” is rightfully used in reference to God Almighty.

God chose to speak His creation into existence by the use of words. Words are in the dimension of the five senses. We who are His creation understand words. That is, of course, how we communicate with each other. But it is also how God communicates with us and we with Him. Words transcend the gulf between heaven and earth. We can hear the words that God speaks to us, and God hears the words of our prayers. The book of Genesis describes for us how God, in the beginning, created the heavens and the earth. It explains that God literally spoke His creation into being. What He spoke came to pass. God said, “Let there be” and it became. That is exactly how the heavens and the earth, and all that is therein came to be.

The qualities and attributes of God are limitless. Being Spirit, God is without a beginning or an end. He possesses omnipotent power; and as our loving Heavenly Father, He’s always good. He’s faithful and truthful; we can count on what He says He will do. He’s omnipresent, that is, His presence is not limited to time and space. He’s omniscient, that is, He’s all- knowing. He hears our prayers. He also has foreknowledge; He can see what will come to pass before it comes to pass. He is invisible to the human eye, and He is, in all aspects, perfect and holy. He remains sovereign over all His creation. Don’t miss your opportunity to get a copy of Charlie P. Johnston Jr. New book Spiritual Perception & Awareness and enhance your Spiritual walk with God.